The Gardner Heist Investigation In The Media (Part III)

The initial reaction to the release of the surveillance video by one long time professional Gardner Heist investigation follower, the Boston Globe’s Stephen Kurkjian, was soon broadcast on: CBS : "The night watchman has somewhere in his cranium the knowledge of the identity of one of the two thieves." Within a few months Kurkjian had stepped back from that unequivocal conclusion, though clearly the unauthorized visitor’s actions and behavior were at least suspicious. Why else release the video? But then, when in the history of law enforcement have suspicious individuals, (The unauthorized visitor and Rick Abath) been shown on a surveillance tape shared with the public, only to be described in such bland and obfuscating terms? Kurkjian wrote in his book on the case, Master Thieves “the FBI took possession of all the museum’s security equipment and surveillance reports soon after the robbery and has declined to answer questions about Abath’s ...