The Sword AND the Stone (Part Four)

Blog Table of Contents FBI and Worcester Police with the recovered paintings from 1972 Worcester Art Museum Heist The 1972 Worcester Art Museum Heist was a perfect success from a law enforcement standpoint. The stolen paintings: Rembrandt’s St. Bartholomew , Pablo Picasso’s Mother and Child , and two works by Paul Gauguin, The Brooding Woman and Head of a Woman , were quickly recovered by the FBI together with the city of Worcester police, and all of the perpetrators, were identified, apprehended and convicted, including the mastermind, Florian "Al Monday, who was given a prison sentence of nine to 20 years. Like the Worcester art museum heist and really any theft or robbery, with the Gardner Heist law enforcement had two missions: to recover what was stolen, and to bring those responsible to justice. As thieves flee the crime scene with what they have taken, catching the criminals and recovering the art ar...