Secrets of the Gardner Surveillance Video (The Indoor Camera) Part 2

Link to Part 1 When the Visitor first appears inside we have the best view of him that appears on the entire tape. His dramatic, first appearance is a challenge. He seems to have come out of nowhere and looks as if he has been standing for there a while. There is no greeting or formalities shown. He has his notebook out of his pocket. It already open and he looks to be thumbing through the pages. This is hardly a magician's trick, but to accomplish this in three seconds or even four seconds as some might conclude from look solely at the time-stamp, would take effort. For comparison, at the nine second mark of the video we can see the older guard takes about three seconds to go from the entrance to situate himself at the counter nearest the entrance. The video switches from outdoors to indoors in three second intervals. And how is it that the guard's trip from the door to the counter is c...