Factual Errors in Last Seen Podcast Episode 1 1. HORAN: “The thieves wound duct tape around Randy and Abath’s heads from chin to scalp across their eyes and across their mouths with only a slit so they could breathe." There was no duct tape covering Abath's mouth. See official crime scene photo above. At a public talk he gave in Bedford, MA, Anthony Amore said: He [Abath] had to stay like that until the police photographer came "because we needed to get the m.o. of how these guys did it." “We’re Boston police,” [Supervisor Patrick] Cullity told them. “Just sit there a couple of seconds longer; our police photographer is on his way and we don’t want to touch or change anything until he gets his pictures.” —Master Thieves page 59 2. RODOLICO: “Earlier in the evening the guards’ rounds had been interrupted by a fire alarm blaring from the museum’s carriage house outside. It had really spooked him. Maybe that’s why the cops had c...