The Sword AND The Stone (Part Six)

Blog Table of Contents Whitey Bulger “In the immediate aftermath of the April 15, 2013, bombings, Boston police commissioner Ed Davis. said, “you can’t let the latest technology pull you away from the easiest thing. Sometimes old-fashioned shoe leather works best.” This is something organized crime figure James "Whitey Bulger" understood as well. After the Gardner Heist, Bulger dispatched two of his most senior and trusted confederates, Kevin Weeks and Stephen Flemmi to find out who took the paintings. Anne Hawley understood: "Hawley was so desperate she reached out to the Vatican to ask Pope John Paul II to issue a papal appeal. She also approached William Bulger, president of the state Senate, asking that he to his brother Whitey to see what he knew. The notorious gangster was fruitlessly chasing leads himself. The heist had happened in his territory and he figured he was owed tribute." the New York Daily News reported in 2015. Ulric...