Lifestyle of "Hapless" Security Guard Museum from Back in the Day

Facebook Post from Rock Band Studio 2045 

Studio 2045
September 26, 2014
Another rock and roll tale from back in the day: Back in the mid eighties, around the time I was wrapping things up at Berklee, my good friend (and fellow Berklee student/grad) Rick Abath and his band Ukiah lived in a big house on Farrington St. in Allston. Once every few weeks, they would throw an epic party to help raise money for the rent. They had the basement fixed up sweet with a bar and a stage, a PA, cool lighting and all the rock and roll trimmings. Plus a few kegs of beer. The good stuff too, black and tans and everything else one might wish to find at a party hosted by Berklee students and grads. $5.00 got you into the party, all you could drink, and three bands. Rick's band was always my favorite.
These were by far the best parties in Allston. No one else's parties came even remotely close. I looked forward to them. I don't really remember them in great detail (go figure), but I looked forward to them.

Amazingly, they only got shut down once by the cops, at least when I was there. And no one got arrested. I suspect they got away with this because:
A. It was Allston, before it started getting all "nice." The neighborhood has gone all to hell since then. It's kind of "nice" now. It used to be a lot rattier (and cooler) a quarter century ago. The Powers That Be have actually put up these Dork-O-Matic banners proclaiming this "Allston Village." What the fuck. Fuck you, Powers That Be.
B. All the neighbors were musicians. Everyone in Allston was a musician.
C. All the neighbors were either at the party or hoping for an invite, and didn't want to fuck up their chances by throwing Rick and Co. under the bus by calling the cops.
At least that's how I remember it. I could be wrong on some of the details. I'm a little foggy on some of it.

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